Advance booking is strongly recommended.
Online booking for group lessons is possible up to 8 days before the class start date.
For last-minute booking, please go directly to one of our offices.
No booking can be made by telephone.
Online booking for group lessons is possible up to 8 days before the class start date.
For last-minute booking, please go directly to one of our offices.
No booking can be made by telephone.
- Big Air, half pipe, skiercross, rails, box and back country session depending on snow conditions, all this in a relaxed and safe atmosphere with a passionate and qualified instructor!
- Small groups of the same level (minimum 4 people, maximum 8 people).
- Wearing a helmet is mandatory.
- The training course takes place from Sunday to Friday from 9:00 am to 12.30 pm during the French school holidays.
(Other periods: on request or in private lessons).
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