Advance booking is strongly recommended.
Online booking for group lessons is possible up to 3 days before the class start date.
For last-minute booking, please go directly to one of our offices.
No booking can be made by telephone.
Online booking for group lessons is possible up to 3 days before the class start date.
For last-minute booking, please go directly to one of our offices.
No booking can be made by telephone.
Discover our offers
!! In case of a particular health condition, a disability, a motor or learning difficulty, or a specific need, please let us know by email or by filling in the contact form so that we can make the necessary teaching arrangements !!

The lessons start on Sunday or Monday and end on Friday.
Medal included with the course
Levels: Ourson to Gold Star | |
Group of 6 children maximum |
Hours | |
From 11:15 am to 1:15 pm | |
Meeting point | |
Gathering on the Plateau | |
Language | |
Group courses are taught in French and English. |
Insurance |
Lift pass |
Sorry, this product is not available at this time of year.
We offer the "Rêves d'étoile" (Ourson to 3rd Star level) or "Team Étoile" (Bronze Star to Gold Star level) courses.